October 18, 2025
Valle Country Fair​

Where the Funds go.
The Valle Country Fair was founded in 1979 by the members of Holy Cross Episcopal Church to raise funds for community outreach. The mission of Holy Cross includes a commitment to "share Christ's love through compassionate ministry."
There are a number of fair concessions operated by the church membership that give 100 percent of their proceeds to the Fair. Other exhibitors are asked to "tithe" by donating ten percent of their revenues to the Fair.
Concessions operated by the church include take-home treats like apple butter, jams and jellies and baked goods, as well as lunch fare like Brunswick stew, sausage with onions and peppers, chili, and barbecue.
The 2023 Fair channeled over $50,000 to serve people in need. Part of the money is disbursed via grants to High Country organizations which serve the most vulnerable among us and some is retained to be used by the Holy Cross outreach committee throughout the year to assist individuals and families in crisis. Nonprofit groups in Avery and Watauga Counties are invited to apply to receive monies from the Fair by contacting the Mission & Outreach Committee of the Church of the Holy Cross.
2024 Valle Country Fair Grant Recipients
Fresh Start of Hearts of Hospitality House
Immigrant Connection of the High County
Mediation and Restorative Justice
Watauga County Extended Learning Center